Apparently, discussions about the things to look for in a woman as old as marriage itself but with changing times – equal opportunities, feminism and all – the traditional qualities of good women have largely changed. So how do you spot a good woman in the 21st century? Here are the 15 basic things to look for, as advised by Yangki Christine Akiteng – A love Doctor.
- She does not try to change you (accepts you the way you are).
- She enjoys being around you always, not only when you are doing things to please her
- She does all she can to make you happy, often sacrificing her own time and effort
- She is contented with herself, does not always look for attention to boost her self-esteem.
- She will always be there for you, whether things are good or bad.
- She says something and sticks to it. There are no mind games with real good women.
- She knows that for a relationship to work, partners must contribute 50 /50 and she does exactly that.
- She respects you always, whether in public or private.
- She is nice to everyone, whether she has something to gain from them or not.
- She has a genuine desire to get into a relationship with you.
- You both have a liking for similar things.
- She is not embarrassed nor does she show too much pride in the fact that she loves you.
- She takes life positively and is happy with it.
- She makes you feel important, your faults and shortcomings notwithstanding.
- Her smile welcomes you and you can see its deep from her heart.
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